
Minecraft sound effect resource pack pocket edition 0.15.0
Minecraft sound effect resource pack pocket edition 0.15.0

  • NOTE: These fixes only apply to skins that use inverted animations (Example: Nathan and Erik from the 3rd Birthday Skin Pack).
  • Inverted skins no longer float when looking up or down.
  • Arm animations for inverted skins are now accurate to the direction the player is looking at.
  • The player's legs are no longer swapped.
  • Fixed sneaking, swimming, riding and gliding animations.
  • Sneak animation no longer plays over emotes.
  • Crouching animation now stops when entering swim mode directly from sneak mode.
  • Properly adapts according to the skin height.
  • If there's any bug left unfixed in the swimming animation, you are encouraged to call me a stupid idiot on Twitter.
  • The swimming animation now adapts to different skin heights.
  • The player's limbs now transition smoothly into and out of the swimming animation when not standing still.
  • The player's body is now centered while transitioning into and out of the swimming position.
  • This may seem like a bold claim, but I believe it is now 100% bug free!
  • Made further fixes to the player's swimming animation.
  • minecraft sound effect resource pack pocket edition 0.15.0

    Changed Drowned geometry structure again to fully match the player.Elytra wings are now positioned correctly in all of its animations.Updated Cat and Ocelot model to prevent Z-fighting in the tail.Updated Squid and Glow Squid model to prevent Z-fighting in the tentacles.Dirt background in UI now matches the Dirt block.Tweaked colors in bed sprites to be more accurate to their block models (Suggested by.Corrected shape and color of unused levitation potions.Purple Glazed Terracotta's "sword" shape outline has been tweaked.Background in clouds texture is now fully transparent.

    minecraft sound effect resource pack pocket edition 0.15.0

  • Fixed multiple issues with desert Villagers and Zombie Villagers' sandals and arms.
  • minecraft sound effect resource pack pocket edition 0.15.0

    Fixed transparent pixels in Drowned's body.

    minecraft sound effect resource pack pocket edition 0.15.0

  • Fixed double Chest and double Trapped Chest textures not matching the single Chests.
  • Fixed covered Cherry Leaves' background colors.
  • Readded updated Weeping Vines' textures, they were removed from the pack by mistake.
  • Minecraft just released a quality update, and Fixed Vanilla won't be left behind! This release catches up on all the recent texture changes from Java edition, adds a lot of big player animation fixes, a new snazzy pack icon and much more! TEXTURES

    Minecraft sound effect resource pack pocket edition 0.15.0